Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dancing and other awesomeness


Well I have had a busy week this week and it's not over yet!! I have had heaps of homework... which has been majorly overwhelming and a bit stressful but I'm getting there and I'm slowly getting on top of it all. 

The other night, some of my friends and I had a big ah-ha moment when I walked into the dining hall to see one of my friends sitting with another group of my friends!! I didn't know they knew each other and they didn't know each other knew me!!! It was quite funny :) But really cool! To see that me friends were friends with each other :P

Now I have to confess that I think I might be in love...

Yep it's true! I am!!! (drum roll please...!!!) I'm in love with...
...swing dancing! (did I trick ya?? Did I? Did I??) It is the best fun ever!!!!!!!!!!! The other night we had a social event between Hapner Hall (the all-girls hall I live in) and Langford Hall (an all-boys hall) and we did swing dancing!!! I didn't even know it was on until my friend invited me an hour before it started :P She loves it and has gone every week to swing dancing somewhere in Bozeman (not really sure where...) So I said I'd go just to hang out and see what it's all about. So we got there and she convinced me to dance and I had the best fun. There were 3 instructors who were teaching us some moves... which were really groovy! And I loved it! My partner had done swing dancing last year so he was really good, which was nice cos he basically just threw me around and I had to follow. But man it was fun!!! Although there is a lot of spinning in swing dancing... at least what we were doing so I was slightly dizzy and pooped after a while! 

I think the funniest thing was that even though we were doing swing dancing, we were dancing to... country music... !!! I know right?! So random! But it is Montana after all as one of my friends said! And country music is really all they listen to here :P I even heard someone in the shower the other day with their country music blaring nice and loud. It made me want to do a jig to the toilet!! ...or burst out laughing... not sure which urge was stronger... :P baha!

So yeah... that was my adventure for the week... I went swing dancing! And I loved it :) When I get home I might need to take you all swing dancing somewhere in Toowoomba??? 


  1. Sounds like so much fun! My munchkins are doing Japanese at the moment with their fantastic new Japanese teacher. :) I know some homeschoolers who are really into swing dancing in Toowoomba... I thought it was a bit weird, but it can't be if you found it great! :D Love you! xo

    1. Haha Rachael it was fantastic!! And I actually think since I am liking it, it must be VERY weird! :P Can't wait to hear all about your new little kiddies!!! Love you too xoxo
